יום שלישי, ינואר 02, 2007

So.. I am back in Jerusalem, University was great this morning. Got a lovely e mail from M, and realized how lucky I am to have her and many of you, my loyal readers, as friends.

Hope to be back soon, and maybe I will have the strength to go and visit much loved Redbridge.

3 תגובות:

  1. Oh, how nice to be mentioned!!!!

  2. Hi, Shlomit

    It's Philip Caplan. Remember, if you come to visit Redbridge, you'll **ALWAYS** get a warm welcome in South Woodford. [smile]

    Glad to hear you're happy in Jerusalem.

    Love, Philip (& Sally & everyone else!).

  3. Hi P&S and everone else!
    How was NY? how are all the grandkiddies (and thier parents) doing?
    All is good, very happy. I think about you a lot, specialy during Shabbat.

    much love
