יום שלישי, אוגוסט 28, 2007


Well...I am in London. It good to be back.
Limmudfest was great. The music, the sessions, the scenery.
Best moments:
Jen Charlton singing Blue Raincoat.

D.J. Socalled wowing the audience with the most odd-unbelievable-I-think-I-like-it-but-why? music of the year. (check these are the good old days track)

Rabbi Joel Levy teaching. I felt Kdusha in the room. I am still thinking about it. Oppression and free choice. I will write about it more. TBC

Ghettoplotz with new tracks and visuals.

Koolooloosh- Great guys, Great music, Jerusalem Hip Hop. Very rough. sick. Love it

Darfur was one of the fuci. James Smith of Aegis trust and the Holocaust center in Nottingham is complete inspiration. I keep hearing what he said about our responsibility to help Darfur. you can learn more about it here.

יום חמישי, אוגוסט 23, 2007


1. Salina on Emek Refaim offers the best stake in Jerusalem, ask for some spare garlic.
2. Arcafe offer a great brakefast of fresh fruit, Yougurt and museli. I have it without the Museli - fab.
3.Lolita by Nabakov. Its not for a proper frum girl I guess, but there is some thing compelling and repulsive at the same time.
4. I am in love. Deeply. His name is Geva Alon. Google him and find why. He might be the one.
5. Sleeping over checking emails. Always.
6. White wine is the new black. For me.
7. The new Crocks are great. I have a Marie Jane, in shocking pink. Loveit.
I am in London.
In the last few weeks I wasn`t calm at all, I could not stop thinking, I was obesseded with minor thoughts, not trying to solve poverty, or find the the soloution for the middel east conflict, just annoyinng thoughts.
They are gone now.
Its good to be back.

יום שני, אוגוסט 20, 2007

An important aricle from Haaretz, dealing with the Holocaust Claims in Israel.
I agree, No one should be left poor. Reaching an old age and being left alone poor and misreble is not a desirable situation. What is the Israli goverment doing to prevent it, from all the old people?
Not nuch I am afraid.

יום שישי, אוגוסט 17, 2007

Nina Simone - Young Gifted And Black (Live)

Its one of my favourites. She would not let anyway to put a chip on her shoulder.
Look out for the drummer`s smile at the end.
I keep thinking, what on earth were the white policemen thinking to themselves.

For me its about freedom, taking pride, not willing to be seen as an unequal minority group.

Shabbat Shalom

יום רביעי, אוגוסט 15, 2007

1. I was once stopped by the police. I received a warning letter.

2. I dated two guys who were vegan. I cooked to one of them only.

3. I love pets. we had two dogs, one cat. rabbits and Guinea pigs. Not at the same time.

4. I read since the age of four. I read all the Encyclopedias we had at home. I udes to read 2 books every day.

5. I would love to be born again as Nina Simone.

6. I never walked into a church.

7.I have two original paintings in my posses ion (not including my own art).

8. I had glasses since the age of eight.

9. I can communicate in four languages, but fully fluent in two.

10. I was in the lowest group in math in school.

11. I drove a van once.

12. I never had a UK driving licence.

13. I once put a book in the fridge and left the milk out.

14. I cannot deal with smelly things. I vomit.

15. Harry Potter saved my life. (in Russia. Long story).

16. I was addicted to Friends. Recovery is slow.

17. I moved houses more than 17 times, I tried to get an exact number, but its too much to count.

18. My first boyfriend was younger then me.

19. I am slightly agoraphobic. Malls are very scary, also packed markets or Zara shops.

20. I don`t do Holocaust education. Its one field of Jewish Education I decided not to master. I totally admire those who can.

21. was the age I received my driving licenses. (the Israeli one)

22. I love flowers, not only in a nice bouquet bat also as a pattern. But you have to be gentle in this case too much is.. too much.

23. I started my career in Jewish Education. that summer I fell lin love with the Former Soviet Union. it was the summer of Moscow and Minsk.

24. Was my age when we discovered my father has cancer.

25. My father passed away after a long battle when I was twenty five.

26. Was the millennium. I was in Kiev. there was a worry all the computing system will collapse and nuclear weapon will fly over our head.

27. I have a Counting Crows CD signed by all members of the band.

28. Till the age of 28 I refused to wear anything pink.

29. I lived in London for three wonderful years.

30. I saw Bob Dylan, Counting Crows, Dido, Ben Folds, Simon & Garfunkel, Lou Reid Live.

31. I discovered that Pimms is Alcoholic.

32. I had a benign tumor, it was removed two months ago. I am okay now.

33. I am today.

יום שלישי, אוגוסט 14, 2007

כנסיית השכל-השיר מהגן

I Saw them live on Sunday night as part of my Birthday celebrations. Back in the 1990`s they were a small band from a southern development town. Now they are massive in Israel. Back then this song meant the world to me. Now it makes me feel young.

The Orthodox Paradox, is a thought provoking article by Noah Feldman, published in the New York times and been talked in the circles of Jewish Education since.
read and judge.

A lot of the things he brings up resonated with me. Living my life the way I do doesnt really follow with what I was taught in School or at Bnei Akiva - the Modern Orthdox youth movement I grew up in. I am one of few who didnt get married yet, I lived abroad, I am observant and I see myself as orthodox, not sure if I am socially orthodox, but when it comes to practice that`s where I (most of the time) stand.
You see, Its hard for me to commit.

יום חמישי, אוגוסט 09, 2007

קפה הלל יום ב' בבוקר

קפה הלל במושבה הגרמנית מוזיקת ג'ז נמסכת
יושבת לבדי מאחורי שיחת בוקר של זוג שהחל
לבלות לילותיו במשותף ומשלים קרעי ביוגרפיה
מעל עלי חסה מסמיקים שתי נשים בשולחן הסמוך
לבושות בהידור מרושל שתיהן בצעיפים ירוקים ונעליים גבוהות
לאחת מכשיר שמיעה באוזן שמאל ולשניה עם השער
הארוך הבהיר גרביים ילדותיות הן דנות בחלומה
של חנה מ"מיכאל שלי", על דמות הערבי הארוטי והמולת
שמיכות בלילה
חיילים יושבים בחלק החיצוני
מקורה הזכוכית מתנערים מנשקם
החבוי טרם משכילים להבין את יופים
בתנועות ידיים מוגזמות בחור צעיר ניגש
למאבטח האתיופי ומחבק אותו
יום ב' בבוקר כוסות קפה
בגביעי זכוכית ממשיכות להמזג
אך אין בהן תרופה
לתנועות הנפש

יום שלישי, אוגוסט 07, 2007

Blog Day 2007
יש צורך דחוף במציאת מפלט כחול
מעורף הבית החשוף
תושביו נטשוהו
מערכת ישיבה מתגוללת קרועה
ואין מי שיכסה ערוותה
והכחול הולך ומשחיר
ויש לנוס במהרה
שהמזגן משמיע יללות
מדובר במצב מלחמה של ממש
על הבית ולא רק
הכחול מסתנן דרך החרכים
ומשתלט על אור הבית
מטיל אימה ואין מי שמעז
למחות בתזוזת רגלים
על הסדר החדש

נותר לארוז

יום שני, אוגוסט 06, 2007

After eleven days of tranquality I gave up to modern life and got myself a new mobile phone instead the one that was stolen at the wedding.
I plan to practice what I learned:

1. Mobile phones do have an OFF button.
2. People can wait.
3. An afternoon nap is a very good excuse for delaying return calls.
4. The world didn't stop. I am not that important.
5. Where is a will there is a way (to get in touch with me).

יום רביעי, אוגוסט 01, 2007

My great friend Rivka told me about this You tube clip, Barbara Streisend interviweing Golda Meir, and sings Hatikva. Cult

I am now baby sitting a dog, a she dog. She is quite clever, and rather ugly. I think I like her. She is very loyal to her owner. She is waiting for him, her whole body directed towards the door, where she last saw him.
She was standing, crying for him.
Luckily I was able to gaurnity her he would come back for her.
She kept crying for more than an hour. then went and pieed on my carpet.
And I thought we could be girl friends.