יום שני, דצמבר 31, 2007

ויש צורך בהוכחות לקיומי

אך הן אינן בנמצא

יום רביעי, דצמבר 26, 2007

Double barred names

Rabbi Rosen is completly against it.
I am fourious.
What going wrong with Orthodox Judiasm?

Please g-d, one day I will not give up my name.

יום שלישי, דצמבר 25, 2007

Guess who is coming to israel?

Remember where first you heard it .
Walking down Emek I bumped into D which I know from Redbridge, we had a litle chat and I offered her a lift to where she needed.
In the car She asked me what I miss about Redbridge, I told her - the Shabbat meals, the families, the walks in Epping forest.
I asked her what does she miss. Her answer blown me away.
She miss the most the Redbridge Israel Film Festival, that I started four years ago.

tears in my eyes.

יום חמישי, דצמבר 20, 2007

If you could do anything tomorrow what would it be?

A true gem from Yuval Saar`s blog. Here.

What would it be then?
It the first limmud confrence in five years I am missing.
Please update me with all the going on.
The program looks great. proud to be part of it.

What have I been up to lately?

Work: a big paper its on its way to be approved. It`s a big piece.
Family saw a lot of my nephews. Taught them to love cats.
Music: go and buy ASAP Yonatan Razel. Cannot stop listening to him.
Uni: still strike, keeping on the writing. next week I will meet with the person who is translating one of my favourite poets from Hebrew to English. Exciting.
Shoes: none
Books: חכמים של הרב בני לאו
אותו נהר פעמיים - יעל גלוברמן
מה שחשבתי צל הוא הגוף האמיתי - שמעון אדף
Health: very very good.

So it all seems good. right.

יום ראשון, דצמבר 16, 2007

Miss Piggy's Slow Boat to China

I just delete thier phone number.

Roger Moor at the muppets show.
יש בי געגועים
Teachers strike is over.

I have`nt made my mind up Not sure how good it is for our future generations.

קערת זכוכית

נוסח שני

צרור תכשיטיה
המונח בקערת זכוכית
בארון הבגדים
אינו מעיד
דבר על מבוכת
הרחם ואכזבת העיניים
שתולה בה בעלה כל
אימת שמגישה דגים

תלויה בין המלצות
המרפאים לשתיקות מתפזרות
פנינים על שיש
כשנתקלת בילדי אחרים

ובעלה מתכנס בחדרי חדרו
אוסף דמעות ומצרפן לכדי
קערת זכוכית

יום רביעי, דצמבר 12, 2007

Why did that man thinkit is okay to say to me:

You are so clever, I wanted to hug you after the comments you made???

Its not okay.

If I were a man he would say he really appreciated my comments and that I am quite clever.


יום שני, דצמבר 10, 2007

Being thin is not that good, spicially if you are old.

יום רביעי, דצמבר 05, 2007

The un edited and better version of my Dvar Torah for Limmud

As commentators show, the deed of the fathers is a sign for the sons (Ma`ase Avot Siman Le`Vanim), meaning the deeds of the forefathers is a sign or significant to the generations to come, it assumes some similarities and a long historical perspective. The sons of Jacob are rivals as their mothers were, and their Father Jacob and his twin brother Esau.
In Genesis 28 11-12 Jacob climbs a ladder up to the sky. Some commentators see not the ladder reaching the sky, but Yaakov himself seeing the angels ascending and descending on it.

And he lighted upon the place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took one of the stones of the place, and put it under his head, and lay down in that place to sleep.
And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top (Head in Hebrew) of it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

If so, the image is quit clear: Jacob’s feet are on the ground, and his head in heavens, what a wonderful metaphor for a person who feels at home at both practical and spiritual worlds.
In which manner does Joseph bear a resemblance to his father?

Jaccob standing on earth in his head up in the sky with the angels is marking in his presence heaven and earth. That space becomes his territory. Joseph symbolise the transition from the lowest mark, to the highest, from a pit, from prison to the highest position in Egypt and to Mashiach Ben Yoseph. He also transform from the beautiful loved son, the desirable young man, to the foreign Hebrew man Pharon trust, to become the hated brother in his youth to the mean Egyptian who hides a goblet, mentally torturing his brothers and his own father, Jacob just to see Benjamin his brother. Jacob mourned the “death” of Joseph, and Joseph probably knew that. We can assume Joseph felt close to his father so why doesn’t he find a way to inform him he is alive?

In his commentary on the Torah, Nachmanides (Ramban) poses this question: Why didn't Joseph try to contact his father during all his time in Egypt? After all, the distance between the land of Israel and Egypt is only "six days" of travelling, according to Nachmanides' calculations. Why, when he became the head of Potiphar's household -- and could easily do such a thing -- didn't Joseph send a letter to his father, informing him that he was alive and well? Certainly, once he became viceroy, the second most powerful man in Egypt, he could have done anything he wanted. All those many years of Jacob languishing, mourning for his favorite son, could have been avoided. Didn't Joseph miss his father just as much? How could he be apart from him all those years?

There many answers to this question, I would argue Joseph wasn’t certain whether or not he want to belong to his family after his brothers sold him, Only after noticing how much his brother care about young Benjamin and his old father Jacob is till alive, allows him to cry few times and to realize he would like to join his family once again. The book of Genesis focuses on Individuals, families and communities, as it is reflected Joseph life story, from caring about his dreams, his family he shows responsibility towards his all nation.

On Chanukah we celebrate the festival of lights, of miracles, of the small and larger miracles and of transitions, few won many, a small amount of oil was enough for eight days. The main mitzvah of Chanukah is practiced not in synagogues, as in other holydays, but amongst families and friends. This Chanucka we pray individuals, families and communities with the families and friends of Gilad Shalit, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldvesser, for their immediate and safe return.

יום שני, דצמבר 03, 2007

Adam Sandler - The Chanukah Song Part 3

Colin sent me the 1st Chanukah Song - Here is the third, with two of my favourites actors, right in the begining.

חנוכה שמח!