יום שני, מרץ 13, 2006

Why I don`t like Purim

1979. I am a clown, red-blue-yellow shinny fabric. I loved it. My face coloured. I thought that me and my sister had the best costoums in London Ontario, Canada.
1980. No recollection what so ever. none.
1981. I am the night fairy. Not happy. Wearing my Aunt`s dressing gown, very sillky, smells Esttie Lauderish. I have star stickers on my face. Some (essential) make up. Why???
1985. I am a delivery boy. Loved that costume.
2003. I am a teletubbie, the purple one. took the head cover from my nephew.
2006. Tommorow night. No Idea.
What about you?

תגובה 1:

  1. My brother and I are blessed with a highly artistic mother who believes there's no such thing as too much effort when making a purim costume.
    When we were little she even made us a proper panto-style horse (which you wear over your shoulders and stick your legs through to be the horse's legs). At the age of 4 I was a Heinz Tomato Ketchup bottle (complete with an immaculately reproduced label). At 8 I was a megilla (my mum had copied the first paragraph of megilla in beautiful calligraphy on white cloth). Every year was a new adventure.
    Nowadays I'm 29 and my mum has better things to do than make me purim costumes. She crafts fabulous little marzipan Esthers and Mordechais for mishloach manot (while dressed up as a policewoman)
