I find myself recently missing my father, may he rest in peace. It might be this time of the year when he bravely tried to fight against cancer eight years ago. it might be because its decision time, and I am completly rubbish with making decisions. His PhD was along the lines of "rational arguments & decision making".
It might be time to say goodbye to so many friends and loved ones. Not sure why but I think about him.
I walked into in office and saw one of my frogs. I used to have more than 50 of them (My cleaning lady asked me once how many childern I have...) and then I auctioned them in his memory - the money went to Chai. It was good to see that specific frog, and its good to think about my father in contation to that funny evening, and what great sense of homour he had etc.
Here is a photo of some of my collection, now spread all over london, mostly at a specific buliding at N12.
I think you'll find that there are quite a lot of your old frogs living happily in a flat in N6 too!! They are being well looked after! x