So El - Al is not the worst airline ever.
Here is the letter I wrote to my travel agent:
I took the BA 164 flight from Tel Aviv to London on August 24th.
The flight was 50 minutes delayed.
As the flight attendant offered me the meal I asked her if its Gluten Free Kosher. She said it is not, and it doesn't show on their list that I ordered a gluten free kosher meal and they have none with them. she sais I had a late reservation -just on check in for the gluten free kosher meal,hence there is none.
I told her I have asked for kosher gluten free, she said her lists doesn't show it and she doesn't have a meal to offer me. I asked her to check again, she checked and said there is none.
I asked her for some fruit or vegetable but she said there is none.
I sat crying from frustration and hunger, due to the delay in departure for 20 minutes, and she didn't offer any help.
Another flight attendant has more luck and she found some fruits for me.
This level of service is not acceptable. If I cannot trust BA staff to put the right sticker on the right meal how can I trust them at all?
I am looking forward to hear your thoughts on appropriate compensation.
יום שישי, אוגוסט 28, 2009
יום שלישי, אוגוסט 18, 2009
יום ראשון, אוגוסט 16, 2009
יום שישי, אוגוסט 07, 2009
יום חמישי, אוגוסט 06, 2009
רונה קינן- אתה מתעורר
עמוס קינן, אביה של רונה, הובא היום לקבורה.
רונה ביססה את אלבומה האחרון "שרים ליואל" על דמות אביה, ההולל ומתמעט מול עיניה.
יהי זכרו ברוך.
Its already August
Where did the time go?
Its been hectic lately. I am trying to put my finger on the exact point in time when I lost control over time.
Was it when I started to take some drugs for my ADHD?
Was the pnemunia I had last month took my off the wagon?
Maybe beingin a relationship turned days so quickly?
Can the fact my mother was in hospital do anything with that?
Was it my final exam?
My inabilty to write the three last papers for my Masters degree?
I dont know. and it hurts. Iwant July back, I want to go on a summer holiday. I want to saty 34 for much much longer. hitting 35 in two weeks seems too painful.
Where can I get a time machine?
Its been hectic lately. I am trying to put my finger on the exact point in time when I lost control over time.
Was it when I started to take some drugs for my ADHD?
Was the pnemunia I had last month took my off the wagon?
Maybe beingin a relationship turned days so quickly?
Can the fact my mother was in hospital do anything with that?
Was it my final exam?
My inabilty to write the three last papers for my Masters degree?
I dont know. and it hurts. Iwant July back, I want to go on a summer holiday. I want to saty 34 for much much longer. hitting 35 in two weeks seems too painful.
Where can I get a time machine?
יום שלישי, אוגוסט 04, 2009
יום ראשון, אוגוסט 02, 2009
מחורבן לשנאת חינם וחוזר. חס וחלילה.

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