And here are few things I would love to recieve as presents.
1.KitchenAid. in Pink
2. The Second Sex Because its bout time.
3. The one and only: The Muppets Show
4. This Cath Kidston radio. Just £200. bargain.
5. A nice holiday house, somewhere exotic.
Its all quite affordable, and humble.
Yes, Hanukah comes early this year, which is amazing.
השבמחקBut what a blessing: you live in one of my favorite cities in the world.
What I want is to come back to Israel.
Well, I promise to take you out for coffee once you get here.
השבמחקThank you for stoping by.
Where are you from CA? I lived in Pal Alto once upon a time.
Wow Shlomit. I hope you get all those things for Hanuka! I just want a sufganiot and a latke! Preferably with you sat in a Cafe on Emek Refaim. I don't care how cold and wet it is.I'd rather be cold and wet in Jerusalem than in London!! Hugs from All of us! Sandra