יום שישי, אפריל 25, 2008

Hametz wars

So in London you get Matza wars, here in Israel: Hametz wars.
Due to court the rulling is you can sell hametz in non-public area. Hence yes to supermarket(which is not a public area for some reason), no to a kiosk. sounds quite strange, right?

So this haredi Yeshiva guy reads the law and discovers the only similar law is the one the prohibits being naked in...public. and again - your near by supermarket is not public by law. He is angry be the verdict that allows to sell bread during pessach, he thinks - What can I do to get people understand what`s wrong, and he finds a way.

So he goes to Tiv Tam in Bat Yam, check there are no minors around (it against the law to be naked near minors, just in case you had a thought), gets complitely naked but a sock coveribg his privates.

He called the police before he got naked, so they will come and stop him. Whwen they get there he explains we he done so, and no, he is not mentally ill.

I say: well done, a creative way to get some PR and show how weak this court rulling is.

What say you?

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