יום חמישי, ספטמבר 21, 2006

10 signs that your boy/girlfriend are going to dump you, really?

Lately I was lucky to spend many hours on an air plane. The good side: Quicker than walking or sailing, you get free socks, you get few good hours of reading. The bad side is: bad food, a risk of getting blood clots and the lousy magazines you happen to read. In one of them on the way from New York to London I read a piece that made me think.
The title was "10 signs that your boyfriend is going to dump you"
My thoughts are:
1. Why is there a hidden assumption that the Boyfriend will dump you???
2. Do Man magazines have the your-girlfriend-is-going-to-dum-you version?
3. Why dump? I think its a harsh word that doesn't leave a place for caring,understanding, excitement and maybe even love that might have been a part of a relationship even if it ended.
So here are my 10 signs you or your partner might choose to end your relationship ..
1. She/he is not returning your phone calls
2. All their friends are too polite towards you
3. You feel he/she are too distant
4. She/he don't want to talk about it.
5. They cancel your big date with another couple because of a head ache
6. You discover he/she cancelled the vacation you were supposed to go together next month, without telling you.
7. Instead of happiness you feel anxious just before you are going to see him/her
8. You don't feel loved or appreciated
9. You didn't get any compliment about your new haircut or promotion
10. You walk around the park, you see other people happy and you realize that you are not happy, you understand you need to make a change.....

Feel free to add yours!

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