Today was the big day, after 4 years of avoiding them, I decided to Join them (Yes, and my 2 weeks old tooth ache more than pushed me).
I went to this lovely clinic my friend S recomended. She is also heavily scared of them , I felt I can trust her.
She was right, the D was nice, warm, funny and understanding.
I explained to him that I dont like Dentists. and Why, that I havent gone for 4 years, and that the last dentist asked me to take valiom before appointments. I even told him I once got my jwa locked on the D finger, he got the picture.
I showed him which side hurts (bottom left). He checked me, took 4 xrays, very CSI style.
And after 30 minutes of pain and tears (from my side) and Profesional amusement, (from his side), he turns to me and tells me he has good news and bad news.
I asked (typically) to start with the good news.
Good News: My left lower side is fine, no cavity. I have some cavity in a right upper wisdom tooth, I might need a filling. So, I asked, whats the bad?
Bad News: He cannot find the reason to my pain. he tried few more things, it kept hurting but he cannot find the reason.
Reflecting back I realize the bad news was the cost of this: £67 for 35 minutes of him stucking his fingers down my mouth, puting ugly stuff for the x ray, exposing me to radiation etc.
but its complete geniousity. He charged me so much money for telling me the everything is fine (who cares about the wisdom tooth? Not me, what doesnt hurt me, wont kill me!)
He wants to see me again, Why not? I am a loely young women with a blance in her bank account.
Not sure I will go to him (In Israel it cost 1/3, and when I scream Ima`le they no they should stop immedetly to cause me pain cause my mom is on the way!!!)
Sure that I made a wrong carrer chice.
I make no money from telling people whats wrong with them, sorry, what they might consider doing diffrently!