יום שני, מאי 29, 2006

I am a Princess!!!!!!!!!

I always knew this now its official. My friends A& M are getting married soon and as a couple does they have a wedding list at John Lewis. I browesed the list, choose whatever I choose to buy clicked for payment, and there was the title window.Hmmm should I go for Miss? Ms?
Here in the John Lewis Kingdom the classes are only upper classes.
I find ithard to decided should I go for a Baroness or just a humble Miss, but then I noticed that title. It all became clear,My childhood fantasies about being one but given to my parents by mistake were not fictional, my expensive taste in shoes is justified...


here is the proof:
Gift List number 000202xxx

Guest reference number 008171546

Dear Princess Naor

Thank you for using John Lewis Gift List. We confirm your purchase of the
following item(s) from the gift list of...

Luv it!
Mazal Tov to A&M!

תגובה 1:

  1. We always knew it, too!

    All the best, Philip & Sally
